Monday, March 25

Kris Carr: Another Reason To Do What You Love!

A very neat little article was brought to my attention today by one Kris Carr. It doesn't have any astounding medical science to back the ideas up, but I really don't think you need an excuse to believe in this concept;

The 40 hours a week you spend working is a very important part of your life, your time and your health.

Haven't you ever felt the negative affects from working a job you shouldn't be in? The stress, the physical pain, the drained energy - it's just awful. I know most people need to work a job they don't like so they can afford to live, but that doesn't mean they can't soul search and form a plan so that one day they can break free from that dreadful job and start living a healthier, happier, more balanced life.

Clearly, since this is a craft blog, my dream job right now would be paying the bills through glass. Actually, my dream situation would be living hidden away on crown land so I don't have to worry about paying any darn bills, but I'm sure that will be another post later.

I'd rather put 80 hours into glass than 40 - or even 20 - into a job that wasn't for me. I want to live a happy, balanced life, and to do that I need to seriously figure out how to pull off being a glass artist.

Article by Kris Carr: 40 Hours That Are Critical To Your Health and Well-Being

Have you thought out the details of your dream job at all, or are you keeping it at arms-length so you don't get disappointed?

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